Use Automation Rules to set the package dimensions or add weight based on various criteria, such as number of products in the order or tags present on the order.
Below are some examples of automation rules that adjust the weight or dimensions of an order's shipping information:
Use this rule to add package weight to your orders. For example, you may know that, regardless of what products are ordered, the box and filler you use weighs 85 gr. This rule will automatically add the weight so the total shipment weight is correct.
This example rule will be applied to all orders and add 85 gr to the total weight of the order.
Set the criteria to Apply these actions to Every order that is imported.
Add the action Adjust the Order weight and enter in a weight amount.
Use this rule to set the package dimensions for orders as long as the quantity is under a certain threshold. For example, if you only sell shirts and know that any order of 10 shirts or less will be shipped in a 30cm x 30cm x 15cm box, this rule would automatically set the box dimensions on those orders.
This example rule will apply to orders with a total quantity of all items that is 10 or less and set the package dimensions to 30cm x 30cm x 15cm.
Select Only apply these actions to orders that match specific criteria. Set the criteria to Total Quantity is Less Than or Equal to 10.
Add the action to Set Package Dimensions, then enter the dimensions of your box.
Set Rule to Ignore Orders Using Product Automation
For single-item, single-quantity orders, you can use Product Defaults to determine package dimensions. However, these settings will not apply to orders with a quantity greater than 1.
Product Defaults will, however, apply the product weight for multi-item orders.
If you want your automation rules to ignore any orders that have their dimensions set via Product Defaults, include a criteria line of Total Quantity Greater Than 1.