ShipStation has implemented reCAPTCHA, as a best security practice, for all ShipStation users. In most cases, you will rarely encounter the reCAPTCHA.
However, if you are prompted to pass the reCAPTCHA each time you log in (or very frequently), there are a few potential causes for this:
Using ad blockers in your browser
Using certain browser extensions to block your browser from sending information
Enabling the browser "Do Not Track" feature
Here are the instructions to disable this feature for Safari, Google Chrome, and Firefox.
Using incognito or private browsing mode
Using an unsupported or out-of-date browser
Clearing your browser cache
If you notice the reCAPTCHA appears for you frequently, check if any of the above applies. If so, you may want to disable ad blockers or extensions, quit using incognito mode for ShipStation, or change to a supported/up-to-date browser to stop the reCAPTCHA from appearing too frequently.